This is a healthy, hearty, spicy, relatively easy-to-make, delicious soup recipe. The roasted peppers really make it something special. I just made it...
A warm vegan soup that my whole family loves. Totally quick and easy, and super healthy to boot! Add more kale if you don't have picky eaters! Four cups...
Using some fresh and some canned ingredients, this chili is a snap to throw together and will keep you craving it for days. Chunky zucchini, fresh green...
This quick chili recipe is great in the summertime or winter. It's also great for potlucks and family gatherings. It tastes great with a spoonful of sour...
The foods in this easy recipe are powerhouses of nutrition. Why this recipe is good for you: High antioxidants in tomatoes, corn and beans; High fiber...
Delicious, very modifiable chowder. Serve this with a salad and rolls or beer bread. Yum! Consider this a basic recipe that can be modified according to...
This simple but hearty meal is made with hamburger, potatoes, green beans, and diced tomatoes cooked in a delicious broth. Perfect for serving on those...
This cold cucumber soup is one of my favorite soups in the summer. It's quick to make and is really refreshing. Cucumbers combine with yogurt, buttermilk,...
Make good use of your leftover dark meat without the fuss of boiling the carcass. Simply pick through the carcass before you toss the bird and save the...
I created this soup on Christmas Eve and it was a huge hit. The roasted squash caramelizes giving the soup that extra depth of flavor. This soup has a...
Wonderful soup for those cold, rainy or snowy days! My family absolutely loves this hearty soup. The warming zip of cayenne gives it a taste all its own....
This is an old recipe, made by my grandmother who lived on an island in the North Atlantic, long before 'goulash' was made with ground beef. It was our...
This jambalaya may have been a few places since the bayou, but it's a thick, rich dish that everyone will love! I've experimented with many types of seafood...
Original German rabbit stew recipe passed down from my great-grandmother who immigrated to US in 1889. This is a lot of work to make but well worth it....
This is a spicy, flavorful fall soup. It lends it self well to substitutions, and you can use any kind of firm squash and any kind of bean. You can also...
Powerhouse whole grains and autumn vegetables simmer to perfection in this comforting, vegan-friendly soup. To make the squash easier to peel and chop,...
This ground turkey soup with red potatoes is delicious and it's easy to make. This is one you will definitely want to add to your favorite dinner recipes....
The flavor for this recipe comes mainly from the spice rub I put on the meat at the start. The spices and their aromas just get locked into the beef and...
If you are a fan of ginger and garlic, then this is for you. If you have a cold and are tired of the same old chicken noodle, then give this a try. Serve...
My daughter Dylan (age 5) is the light of my life. She is smart, funny, and very creative. I try to encourage her as much as I can. Last week, Dylan told...
There were no microwaves when my mom made this, so she did it on the stove top. She never gave us the recipe and I have discovered it through trial and...
This is a hearty soup served by my grandmother at many family gatherings. It is an absolute favorite. Tastes even better the next day! It is made with...
My family loves a lot of flavor and spice in our food and jambalaya delivers. This is my version of a New Orleans jambalaya that's got a nice kick to it...
This hearty unstuffed cabbage soup is based on my favorite stuffed cabbage recipe, but is much easier and faster to make. The tangy, slightly sweet, rich...
My mom made this for me every time I was sick; it was the only thing I could keep down. It was mild but I love it even when I'm not under the weather....
This delicious stock has a depth of flavor that comes from roasting the vegetables. Use whatever vegetables you have on hand, but avoid anything too strongly...